In this fourth and final course of the specialization, you will synthesize your learning into a project deliverable called a Blockchain Opportunity Analysis. The goals of this course are twofold: One, it’s for you to identify a specific need or problem in your chosen industry that can potentially be solved using blockchain technology. Two, it’s for you to investigate possible solutions to this problem, including how these solutions might be executed. You will accomplish different project milestones each week, and will be introduced to several tools that entrepreneurs use to organize their findings. Throughout this process, you will hear from real-world practitioners who have hands-on experience in the blockchain ecosystem. Additionally, by participating in this course you will gain access to our Blockchain Case Commons—a crowdsourced collection of blockchain applications and use-cases spanning multiple industries. As an outcome of this course, you’ll walk away with a consolidated, peer-reviewed Blockchain Opportunity Analysis, which you can use to pitch your idea to your organization or even to potential investors.
    What is the aim of this course? Strategy is one of the most dreaded subjects in any business. There are so many conflicting frameworks that are difficult to decide what to choose. In this course, you will learn a framework that will help you formulate and execute the strategy for your businesses on the level of top consulting firms i.e. McKinsey, BCG, Bain, PwC, EY. You will also see how others are implementing their strategic choices. This course will help you drastically improve your knowledge and skills in creating as well as executing a strategy for your business (or your customers’ businesses). It is designed for people who want to become management consultants, business analysts or work on creating and implementing the strategy inside the business. In the course you will learn 3 main things: What strategic choices do you have and how to choose the optimal one? How to calculate the impact of chosen strategy or tactic? How to implement the strategy and how others are doing it? The course is based on my 15 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting firms and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, improvement, and turn-arounds in the biggest companies from Retail, FMCG, SMG, B2B sectors that I worked for. On many occasions, I had to not only formulate the strategy but also make sure that it is implemented.  On the basis of what you will find in this course, I have trained in person over 100 consultants, business analysts, and managers who now are CEOs, Board Members, Operational  Directors, COO, Investment Directors, Directors in Consulting Firms, etc. On top of that my courses on Udemy were already taken by more than 100 000 students including people working in EY, McKinsey, Walmart, Booz Allen Hamilton, Adidas, Naspers, Alvarez & Marsal, PwC, Dell, Walgreens, Orange, and many others. I teach through cases so most of the lectures are case studies showing some business problems solved in Excel. In this way, you get a lot of practical insight on how to calculate the impact of strategic changes or how to decide which strategic option is useful. These skills will come in handy during consulting projects. To every lecture, you will find attached  (in additional resources) the Excels shown in the lecture so as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made analyses that can, with certain modifications, be applied by you in your work. Why have I decided to create this course? Most consultants and business analysts are a bit lost during strategic projects. On one hand, you have a business you don’t quite understand as it is new to you. On the other hand, you have a multitude of frameworks that are conflicting with each other and quite often not practical enough. To make matters worse the customer - the business you are working for has problems with understanding what you are trying to convey with your thick presentations and thousands of Excels Therefore, I have gathered all my experience into one framework that is easy to follow not only for you but also for your customer. I believe in the power of data. That is why, I will show you also how to prove, using hard data and calculation in Excel, that certain strategic choice is good or bad.  In order to make certain strategies easier to understand I have also added plenty of examples of businesses using specific strategies. To sum it up, I believe that if you want to find a way to grow a business you have to become an expert in formulating and executing a proper strategy for this business.  This course has all the materials you need to become one. That is why, I highly recommend this course not only to consultants or business analyst that have to advise their customer but also to owners, founders of businesses as well as board members. In what way will you benefit from this course? The course is a practical, step-by-step guide loaded with tones of examples, analyses, tricks, hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you formulate a strategy. There is little theory – mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will know: What strategic choices do you have and how to choose the optimal one? How to calculate the impact of chosen strategy or tactic? How to implement the strategy and how others are doing it? What are the consequences of a specific strategic choice for your business? You can also ask me any question either through the discussion field or by messaging me directly. How the course is organized? The course is divided into the following sections: Introduction. We begin with a little intro into the course as well as some general info on production Do what you do but better. In the second section, I will discuss the basic things you can do to improve its profitability without much growth or expansion. This strategic direction is the best for people who are satisfied with the current size of their business Expand your business. In this section, I will show you different ways in which you can grow your business or your customers’ businesses in size. This strategic choice is perfect for those businesses that have a winning business model and a lot of room to grow. As always there will be loads of case studies, practical knowledge how to do in practice the necessary calculation in Excels Go niche. In the 4th section, I will show you how you can protect your business by going into a niche. I will devote a lot of time to Blue Ocean Strategy and Low-Cost Strategy – 2 very powerful strategic concepts that have been disrupting many markets Transform. In the 5th section, I will show you how you can transform your business from your current vulnerable position into a better place with better margins and more room to grow. Disrupt Yourself. In this section, I will show you the last strategic option you may consider. Here you decide to look for ways to disrupt yourself before somebody else does it.  I will discuss ways in which you can do it and I will show you plenty of examples of successful execution of this strategy You will be able also to download many additional resources Excels with analyses shown in the course Presentation of slides show in the course Links to additional presentations and movies Links to books worth reading At the end of my course, students will be able to… How to formulate a successful business strategy Pick the right strategy for your business How to crunch data in Excel Estimate the impact of the strategic option you have chosen Increase the value of your business or the businesses that belong to your customers How to structure complex issues How to define key steps needed to achieve the selected strategy Who should take this course? Who should not? Management Consultants Business Analysts Small and medium business owners Startups founders Controllers Enjoy the course and if you have any questions or request just let me know
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      In this class I lay out six step s to creating a crisis business plan that will help carry your business to success even during the coronavirus pandemic.  These are simple, concise, actionable steps you can take right now and make a difference in your business.  Many people don't realize it, but a crisis actually creates unique business opportunities. in this class you will learn the following; How to recognize the needs and business opportunities that arising as a result of the coronavirus. how to evaluate what you do offer, and what you can offer, and how they can meet these new needs. How to bridge the gap between what you offer and the needs.  how to bring your products and services to the market and make money doing it. How to let the market know you exist. How to get people to buy and pay you. How to finance steps 1 - 5. Fortunes will be made during this disaster.  Some businesses will succeed.  Some will fail. Your business does not have to fail.  it's not too late.
        What would you do if you could make more money in your business, but only work 3 days a week? This course teaches you everything you need to know about how to live the 3 Day Entrepreneur Lifestyle, so that you can enjoy the success of building a 6 or 7 figure business , but still have plenty of time to take care of the important things in your life ... ...Things like your family, your kids, and your health... It will also teach you how to free yourself to take advantage of more opportunities , like starting a new business, or building your wealth... In this course, you'll also hear stories from successful entrepreneurs that have decided to not only build successful businesses, but have made the time to enjoy their lifestyle, by working less. You'll also get a step-by-step guide to help you experience the rewards of living the 3 Day Entrepreneur Lifestyle for yourself. In this course you'll learn: The 4 most important principles, that if you follow them, will double, even triple your income. Powerful tools that will quickly grow your income to 6, 7 or 8 figures. How to shave off 2 - 3 days off your work schedule , yet produce 3 times as many results. How to charge the highest prices and have customers thank you for it. Ways to get your customers to buy more from you. How to automate your marketing and get customers while you sleep . How to create multiple streams of income that will boost your revenue overnight. A powerful step-by-step plan to take your life and business to the next level of success.
          If you are a smart-but-overwhelmed business owner and you are looking to quickly grow your business , consolidate profitability , eliminate wasted effort , put your business on autopilot, so you can make more money and spend less time in the office , then this course might be a good fit for you. =============================================================== After you take this course you'll know how to use and apply effectively the tested and verified strategies and tactics of the only three ways to grow predictably any business or enterprise and you'll gain more profit and income from your own business. ================================================================ With this course you'll own a tested and verified Blueprint and a core Strategy that will allow you to Predictably Grow Your Business . Predictably increase the number of clients in your business. Predictably increase the sales in your business. Predictably increase your profit and income . As a Bonus you'll receive 6 turn key marketing strategies that you can apply immediately in your business to grow the no. of clients, sale more, grow your income and get more profit. Enroll now and let's begin to grow and consolidate your business and your profits
            This course is designed for students at all levels who want to pursue career business or want to become entrepreneur, either by working for the company, or start a small business, or even invest in the company. The course covers essential knowledge and tools that people need, in order to be able to understand and manage entire company operation. Although, I am a MBA graduate, I am not really a fan of it due to the simple reason that it doesn't teach things that we need to know about the business world, so I created this course for people who want to learn about REAL BUSINESS practices that come from my experiences of working in different industries, including bank, fintech company, and new startup. In this course, you will learn the following topics that relate to business management and it is guaranteed that after this course, you will understand how company is established, operated, and strive for sustainable growth and you will be able to manage business operation effectively. 1. Economy 2. Strategy 3. Business Development 4. Marketing 5. Operation Management 6. Information Technology 7. Finance 8. Accounting 9. Human Resource Management 10. Legal & Compliance By the end of this course, you will have practical knowledge and understanding of the business management of the real world. As a special gift, I attach free copy of my book "Practical MBA For Entrepreneur" for you.
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              Is your business ready for the Age of AI? As has the potential to make you more efficient You can use the technology to create new revolutionary products It can change the premises on how you compete and the level of service that you can provide to your customer. But do you know how to succeed in the age of AI? Do you have the knowledge you need to prepare your business for AI? Are your plans for how AI could make the greatest strategi impact for you clear? Are you confident that the way you use your AI efforts right now is where it creates the most value for your business? Is your organization ready for AI? Spend 5 hours on “The AI CEO course” and: Get an understanding of the business implications of AI in your company, Know the best ways to use AI in the operation of your business How you can use AI as a strategic advantage in your market places And how to lead an AI organization So you can succeed in the age of AI. The course content The course consists of four areas that will help you understand how to use AI in your business: What is AI? This section introduces you to how AI as a technology works. Not with a tech development perspective. The focus is on the concept of AI and the kind of problems you can solve with AI. Operations and AI In this section, we focus on giving you the tools and understanding that you need to identify and evaluate wherein your business AI can create the most value. Strategy and AI AI has the potential to refine how you run your business and how you compete. In this section, you will get the tools and knowledge you need to identify if AI has the potential to change your business competitive landscape. Leadership and AI You will be introduced to the expected footsteps that AI will leave in your company and why this requires a different leadership focus from you.
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                You know how most service businesses struggle to launch because they can't generate enough cash? It's a constant battle between getting new clients and charging a rate that doesn't scare them away. Charge too much and no one buys. But charge too little and you're doing almost free work. That's not the strategy to a successful company. Imagine instead that you had an offering that was generating a ton of cash. There's no trade-off between sales and price. You're the premium offering and everyone knows it. They hand over the cash to you gladly to buy what you're selling. In addition, you're not killing yourself with loads of work you don't get paid for. In fact, you've designed your business in a way that pays you even when you're not working. I want to show you how. In this course, we're going to cover how to design a High-Ticket Program - the perfect "sweet spot" between product and service that allows you to work like it's a product, but get paid like it's a service. We cover: What you need to get started What is a High-Ticket Program? Business models that work, and those that don't How to price your services Creating a "big outcome" that your customers desperately want Designing a process that makes you the expert and the obvious choice for your customer Scaling delivery so you don't run out of time with just a few customers How to ensure your customer actually gets results with your program The course is designed in a case-study format. We'll be using 3 different types of businesses throughout so you can see exactly how each of these principles is applied. You'll also have a self-guided implementation project where you apply these principles to your own business, step-by-step just like we cover in the course. At the end, you'll have the outline of a High-Ticket Program that will drive cash into your business and value to your customers. Because a successful business generates both: value and cash.
                  In this course Growing Your Business , we look at the stages of growth that a business goes through and the corresponding challenges during each stage. A growing business represents its own unique challenges that many people often don't think about. Many small businesses dream of growth – increased sales turnover, increased customers etc., but unless the company is geared to handle that growth – the company may find the whole operation could be at risk because they simple 'can't handle' it. This situation is called 'over trading'. We look at where you are now, and how the growth framework (which is a method whereby your business could grow exponentially) works and we look at ways and ideas in which the business could grow. A few simple changes – could result in huge increases. Simple, measureable changes. We discuss the ways to manage the process because a growing business requires more resources and expertise to manage it. We look at 10 key issues when growth is present and how these issues can be resolved. There's different stakeholders within an organization who are all impacted when growth occurs. We explore various sources of finance – how to fund this growing business – whether it's through other peoples time or other peoples money. A work booklet is included for you to fill in. The course will take about 1 - 2 hours to complete. You watch the module and then fill in the workbook to apply to your own business situation. If you are studying business at college, or if you are an owner/ manager of a growing business or if you have an interest in business growth – then you'll enjoy this course. We mix some textbook theory with some very practical examples. You'll have very strong ideas to take away which will help you to grow your own organization.
                    Welcome to the MOOC “Doing Business in Europe”! Europe is a major world trade partner as well as a place where to acquire significant business experience. This is the reason why this MOOC has been designed with the view to explaining and guiding you in doing business in Europe. Do you really know Europe? How should you consider and approach the European continent? What business lessons can be drawn in a European perspective? With a dozen contributions from academics in the various domains of management (marketing, supply chain, finance, human resources management or strategy) and as many testimonials from business leaders operating in Europe, this course will help you enrich your knowledge and business competences within the European context. The MOOC is divided into 5 topics corresponding to 5 major issues when doing business in Europe: 1. Approaching the European market(s) 2. Innovating in Europe 3. Investing in Europe 4. Building the value chain 5. Integrating the diversity There are no prerequisite for this course. At the end of the coursework, participants will be able to understand how to design a European-scale development strategy. Please enroll and thank you in advance for choosing this course!